Flow efficiency

Flow reflects how much work is in a normal, flowing state—that is, tasks moving left to right through work phases—versus those that have fallen into an exception states. Where possible, Socratic infers these exception states automatically:

  • Rework: that is, tasks that went backward in the workflow, either from a later active phase (e.g. "Testing") to a prior one (e.g. "In Development"), or from the Done phase back to an active phase.

  • Deprioritized: this is any task that moves from an active phase back to a waiting phase (e.g. Backlog or To Do).

  • Tasks that become blocked.

  • Tasks that fall idle: any task that has had no movement for seven (7) calendar days.

For example, if a task takes 5 days to move from start to finish, but along the way is blocked for one day, its flow efficiency is 80 percent. Four of its five days (80%) were in a normal, flowing state, with one day (20%) in a blocked state.

To see how flow efficiency has changed over time for any body of work, select Trends. Here, the Efficiency graph shows the total time spent in productive versus unproductive state(s).

Last updated