
Epics shows you the health, progress, and forecast time to complete for every epic across your Jira projects. The health and forecast of each epic responds in real-time to changes in its issues in Jira.

You can optionally create a plan to organize and manage your epics.

Managing epics in Socratic

All the work activity on child issues in the epic is reflected automatically in Socratic. By clicking on an epic, you get a single, unified view of its health and progress, updated in real-time.

This includes a forecast time to complete, based on Socratic’s intelligent forecast:

It also includes Momentum, which shows at a glance whether the epic work is moving versus stalling or regressing.

The People tab shows all people working on tasks that are part of the epic.

The Trends tab provides Trends analysis for all the work specific to the epic—letting you see things like how demand (scope) is changing over time, and whether anything like the speed or efficiency of work needs attention.

Last updated