Data imported from source systems


This page explains the fields mirrored in Socratic when connected to Jira and Git source systems.


Below are the fields imported from Jira and mirrored in Socratic. Socratic's connection to Jira also features bi-directional sync. Tasks created in either system will be reflected in the other, as well as any changes to title, assignee, status, and/or relationships (epics).

Note that Socratic's sync with Jira excludes any destructive acts. Meaning, any deletion or archive is not synced between systems.

Socratic does not import, store, or display issue description, comments or attachments. These remain exclusively in Jira.

  • Title

  • Reporter/Creator

  • Assignee

  • Status

  • Type

  • Fix version

  • Labels

  • Relationships (epics, related tasks)

  • Created date

  • Completed

  • Completed date

  • Changelog:

    • Assignee

    • Status

    • Relationships (epic)


Below are the fields imported from GitHub and mirrored or used for analysis in Socratic. Sync with GitHub is only one-way, from GitHub to Socratic.

Pull requests

  • Repository name

  • Pull request title

  • Pull request url

  • Pull request ID

  • Date created

  • Date of first review request

  • Date of last approval

  • Merged change

  • Count of merged files

  • Total additions (in pull request)

  • Total deletions (in pull requests)

  • Count of files changed

Pull request reviews

  • Reviewer (git username)

  • Action (type of review action take, e.g. comment, approval, etc.)

  • Action date

  • Pull request ID (reference to pull request being reviewed)

Pull request changes

  • Path of file

  • Total additions (in pull request)

  • Total deletions (in pull request)

  • Pull request ID (reference to pull request being reviewed)

Last updated