
Socratic Allocation: see where worked time went

Allocation shows you the distribution of time worked for any period you select. It's useful for understanding how worked time aligns to company priorities.

Allocation is also valuable in accounting for software capitalization costs. With Allocation you can see, for any time period, the percentage of time invested by person and type of work (e.g. new development versus bug fix or maintenance).

To calculate time worked, we're interested only in tasks that spent time in an active work phase for the calendar period you select. If tasks have worked time prior to the calendar period you select, we exclude that portion of worked time from the results.

For example, say you pick a calendar period of the past 14 days. We will show all time spent on tasks that were active during that period. This includes both still-active tasks, as well as any completed tasks (provided the completed tasks spent time in at least one active phase). Any time spent on those tasks prior to the past 14 days (in this example) would not be included.

You can see percentage of time spent, for any calendar period you choose, grouped by:

  • Objective and task;

  • Objective and person;

  • Type of work: this shows time worked by task label, as well as time spent on tasks marked as Defect or Critical;

  • Person and type of work.

Note that for type of work, the time worked across custom labels may sum to greater than 100 percent. This is because tasks may be assigned more than one label, in which case the total worked time for the task is allocated to each label. The same is true for tasks marked as Defect and/or Critical. If a task is marked as both Defect and Critical, all of its worked time is allocated to both.

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